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Article: The Worlds Ten Most Expensive Diamond Engagement Rings

The Worlds Ten Most Expensive Diamond Engagement Rings

The Worlds Ten Most Expensive Diamond Engagement Rings

The Ten Most Expensive Engagement Rings in History: A Modern Twist with Lab-Grown Diamonds

Hello, sparkling friends! Today, we're diving into the world of luxury and glamour by exploring the ten most expensive engagement rings in history. These rings have adorned the fingers of celebrities and royalty, capturing the world’s attention with their breathtaking beauty and staggering price tags. But here’s a modern twist: we’ll also look at how much these dazzling rings would cost to replicate with lab-grown diamonds, offering all the sparkle without the (quite so) hefty price tag.

1. Mariah Carey’s Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $10 million
  • Features: A 35-carat diamond set in platinum.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £75,000

2. Elizabeth Taylor’s Krupp Diamond

  • Original Cost: $8.8 million (current value)
  • Features: A 33.19-carat Asscher-cut diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £75,000

3. Beyoncé’s Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $5 million
  • Features: An 18-carat emerald-cut diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £40,000

4. Kim Kardashian’s Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $4.5 million
  • Features: A 15-carat cushion-cut diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £25,000

5. Jennifer Lopez’s Engagement Ring from Alex Rodriguez

  • Original Cost: $4.5 million
  • Features: A 16-carat emerald-cut diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £25,000

6. Grace Kelly’s Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $4.06 million (current value)
  • Features: A 10.47-carat emerald-cut diamond flanked by two baguette-cut diamonds.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £20,000

7. Paris Hilton’s Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $4.5 million
  • Features: A 24-carat emerald-cut diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £35,000

8. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’ Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $2.6 million (current value)
  • Features: A 40.42-carat marquise-cut diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £50,000

9. Anna Kournikova’s Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $2.5 million
  • Features: An 11-carat pear-cut pink diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £17,500

10. Melania Trump’s Engagement Ring

  • Original Cost: $2 million
  • Features: A 15-carat emerald-cut diamond.
  • Lab-Grown Equivalent: Approximately £20,000

The Lab-Grown Diamond Advantage

Lab-grown diamonds offer the same brilliance and beauty as mined diamonds but at a fraction of the cost. They are chemically, physically, and optically identical to their natural counterparts, providing a sustainable and ethical alternative. Here’s why you might consider a lab-grown diamond:

  • Cost-Effective: As seen above, you can replicate even the most extravagant rings for a fraction of the original cost.
  • Ethical and Sustainable: Lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled environments, minimizing the environmental impact and ethical concerns associated with traditional mining.
  • Customisation: With lab-grown diamonds, you have the flexibility to customise your engagement ring to suit your taste and budget.

Timeless Glamour with a Modern Twist

The history of engagement rings is filled with stories of love, luxury, and legend. While the original prices of these rings are astronomical, lab-grown diamonds make it possible to achieve the same dazzling effect without completely breaking the bank. At KJJ Diamonds, we celebrate the beauty of these iconic rings and offer modern, sustainable alternatives for those who want to sparkle with a clear conscience.

We hope this ballpark price guide has been a bit of a help, with Diamonds of this size, each ring would need to be done as a bespoke order, so do get in touch and we can have a look at Diamonds, and get you a bespoke quote.

Explore the collection here and discover how you can capture the magic of history’s most famous engagement rings with the brilliance of lab-grown diamonds.

Stay sparkling, The KJJ Diamonds Team

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